Garagecade 2008

Garagecade – January 2008

By January 2008 I'd added Tempest to the mix.  Not a bad start to 2008!

Garagecade – March 2008

By March I'd bought my first Galaga and restored it.  It was a Gallag actually and it was in a Galaxian/Pac Man cabinet.

Garagecade – April 2008

My first pinball machine was acquired in April of 2008.  It was a 1980 Stern Lightning.

Garagecade – August 2008

By August 2008 I was up to two pinball machines (with the addition of Bally's Spy Hunter) and I'd taken the leap from keeping the games only in the 1-car garage side to having a couple games out in the 2-car garage side.  It marked the beginning of the end for my garage as I knew it.  I also picked up a Super Six dart game as well.

Garagecade – October 2008

I acquired my first Paperboy sometime around later August or early September 2008.  By October 2008 it was restored and in the garagecade.

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