Garagecade 2009
Garagecade – January 2009
During the last couple months of 2008 I acquired and brought back to life a game that some consider a "grail"… see if you can pick it out in the linup below. In addition I also picked up an A.P.B… a game that to this day I regret selling.
Garagecade – March 2009
Over the course of a couple months I picked up a converted Stargate cabinet that I made in to a Williams Multigame. I also picked up two War: Final Assault machines at auction and I picked up a Pole Position project.
Garagecade – April 2009
By the end of the next month the War: Final Assault machines were gone. I picked up a Race Drivin' compact cabinet and the Williams Multigame appears to be completed.
Game Haul – July 15, 2009
I managed to win this game haul on EBAY of all places… locally… and for only $865 out the door for what was supposed to be I believe 16 cabinets, 10 non working and 6 working. After getting them home and testing them, evidently the guy selling only plugged them in … he didn't try to turn them on evidently as there ended up being 10 working and 6 non-working. One of the non-working cabinets actually was missing the PCB. One had a bad flyback as well. It is, to date, my biggest haul by far. I had 2/3 of the games sold in two weeks. I still have the Pac cabinet (Multi-Pac now).
Garagecade – August 2009
By August 2009 I'd scored my larged score to date. I think it was 19 games locally off EBAY (of all places) for less than $900. I'd already gone through them and sold the majority leaving what you see in the background of the larger garage. I ended up keeping the Pac Man Plus and making it a Multi-Pac. I also had my first Terminator 2 by this time. I also had converted a Dynamo cabinet I got in the big score to a Capcom Anthology Multi-CPS 2 Game. These photos were taken literally days before my son was born (8/31/2009).
Garagecade – October 2009
Lots of new things happened over the fall with the gameroom. First off I installed a Championship Sprint kit in the Paperboy cabinet. I completed the Multi-Pac. I picked up a Battlezone project. I also restored a Wizard of Wor (and it came out fantastic!).
Garagecade – December 2009
Here is a walk-thru video of the garagecade taken December 28th, 2009.