Garagecade 2015

Garagecade – February 2015

Here are the first shots of the garagecade from 2015.  These were taken a couple days before I picked up Gyruss from a fellow collector in the Salt Lake City area.  I'm sure you'll see it in the next series of photos I take.

Garagecade – September 2015

While there hasn't been a bunch of change happening with the garagecade over the last 7 months,  some of what has transpired has been significant.  Having decided I needed to "loosen" up the garagecade a bit by selling a few games,  the first to go was Front Line with the Centipede Mini following after.  Both went to collectors homes and will be treated with the respect they deserve.  I'm still looking to sell another game or two but I am not sure what at this point.  I really do like my current collection… Also of note is that the Soul Calibur II cabinet you see in the photos runs both a Sega ST-V multigame kit and a Capcom CPS-2 multigame kit as well as the Soul Calibur II kit.

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