Attract-Mode Layout – Neo Geo v1.2
NEO-GEO v1.2: This is a straight forward NEO-GEO layout with few options. You can choose a static or animated mini-marquee. You can choose to use a text games list or the games logos, with or without a “shadow” effect… and there are two different backgrounds to choose from. This layout should be plug n’ play with any module needed for it to work included and implemented in the layout itself. I’ve recently combined the original version and v.1.1 to make the final version 1.2 available below. The video demonstration is of the original version.
Download this layout HERE.
Glad you like it!
Thank you FrizzleFried. Works perfectly!
Hi Dave,
You need to put the neo-geo mini marquees in the previews/marquees folder… snaps and movie files go in the previews/snaps folder.
Hi there. I am using this layout and I love it. I just downloaded a whole set of neo geo mini marquees and wondering where i store them on the SD card for the layout to use. Also how do I change the layout to use differrent settings?