Garagecade 2016

Garagecade – February 2016

These shots are of the 2-car side of the garagecade.  There have been some significant changes since the last photo set.   Tron is gone.  Gravitar/Black Widow is gone.  Soul Calibur 2… yup,  gone.  Police 911 is a new addition… as is Capcom Anthology.   I've been trying to clear out the 2-car side a bit to open it up… things were starting to feel cramped with the extra aisle of games down the middle…


Garagecade – June 2016

Here are some pictures of the rows that have changed over the last few months.  The driver games I have haven't changes nor has the two shooter cabinets in the large side…hence no new photos of the same layout for them.  At this point,  with the extra showcase cabinet I have… I am all out of room.  I need to sell something to make room for something new.


Garagecade – October 2016

Here is how the larger side of the garagecade looks in November 2016 after the sale of 3 games during Grinkfest.  Finally… some room!  I much prefer the garagecade when there is space to walk around (and work).


Garagecade – December 2016

Here is how the smaller side of the garagecade looks as of December 1st 2016.  I can fit one more game in this smaller side,  but I think I like having the ability to use the garage door without having to move games… and I think I prefer the orientation of the Exidy Collec'n (Combat) with this layout.


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