

Here be the ramblings of an arcade game addict.

OCTOBER 28, 2021: It has been a long time since I’ve updated this blog.  A very long time indeed.  The last “official” update I made was way back on July 6th… of 2019.  That is 2 year, 3 months and just over 3 weeks ago.  Holy cow does the time fly.  I’d like to point to our recent world-wide health crisis as to the reason WHY it’s been so long since the last update,  but that would be pretty much a load of crap.  Sure… it may have prolonged things a bit,  but it’s just as possible it didn’t or wouldn’t have.  The reality is that I just got A LITTLE (note… I said a little) burnt out.  For a long time there… including a good long time when you’d think I would be in the garagecade playing games, etc… the games out in the garagecade sat pretty much idle aside from the games of Golden Tee or Silver Strike that I played with my son.  Heck,  for a good few months there you couldn’t GET to many of the games due to the clutter that had built up.  As to why I felt the way I felt… well… there were a number of reasons … cost of “projects” … lack of anything promising popping up in a long time … etc… but I think the biggest part was the desire to try new things… leaving little time for the old.  For example,  while I wasn’t workign on projects or really using the garagecade… I discovered that I enjoy playing the drums (had never played before January of this year).  I think my interest sort of has an ebb and flow.  Just because I am not working on a project “right now”… or haven’t played a game in while… doesn’t mean I love the hobby any less than I did before.  I just seems to mean I have other things going on … and I’ll be back.

During this down time I wasn’t 100% out of commission, however.  There were a few things I did manage to get accomplished over the time.  For one,  I did pick up a Cinevectron and installed it in my Asteroids Deluxe cabinet.  I plan on a write-up (I know… I know… a little late, eh?) sometime soon.  There is a lot to like… I also picked up a Bitkit and have been playing around with it.  Also a nice little multigame board that deserves some individual attention as well… as does the FPGA Exidy 440 multigame project that I picked up!   I also sold a few games during the last 2.25 years.  The Gyruss was the first to go a while back… probably toward the end of 2019 from my recollection.  After that I need to make some room to fit a e-drum kit… which meant some games had to go.  Arctic Thunder and Rush:2049 now call the Dutch Bros. Coffee headquarters break-room their home… the next game to go was Point Blank 2.  Since that “low” I did add one more (Konami) cabinet and swapped one other.   It’s been pretty slow overall though… certainly not like the days of yesteryear.  Anyway,  am I back?  Perhaps…. 🙂

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Out Run

Manufactured by Sega © 1986 Condition When Purchased: B- Current Condition: B+ Having owned Out Run twice prior... I knew exactly what I was getting myself in ...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4P Madness Multigame

Cabinet Originally Manufactured by Konami © 1989 Condition When Purchased: C Current Condition: A- I've had many types of arcade games throughout the years.  Single player joystick,  ...

Golden Tee Live 2014 | Silver Strike X | Power Putt | Target Toss Pro: Bags

Game Produced by Incredible Technologies (c)2007, 2018, 2014, 2019 Condition When Purchased: A- Current Condition: A- I picked up a home use only Golden Tee Fore 2005 ...

Multi-Shooter Showcase Cabinet

Showcase Cabinet Manufactured by Atari / Dynamo Condition When Purchased: B- Current Condition: B- When I picked this showcase cabinet up, it had Police Trainer in it ...

This is the current layout of the garagecade.  Click on the different machines for more information on each.

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