Worthy Barstool Upgrade

Worthy Barstool Upgrade

Worthy Barstool Upgrade

About 9 to 10 years ago, recognizing the need for a couple of barstools in the (at the time) growing garage arcade,  I picked up a couple of the typical "flame-style" barstools from the local Harbor Freight.  They were pretty inexpensive from my recollection… somewhere around $30.00 each. Yeah,  they were hard,  but they worked. They ..

WTF Was I Thinking?

WTF Was I Thinking?

WTF Was I Thinking?

I've been collecting full size coin-op games since the middle of 2006… about 9 years thus far.  Over those years games have come and games have gone.  Most have lasted some period of time in the garagecade before being sold or traded… some have had quick stays.  When I sell a game,  it usually is ..